How Does Climate Change Affect the Sale of My Home?

November 4th, 2021

With the increasing concern of climate change and the responsibility we have to protect our planet, many of us are doing what we can to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Making changes like using reusable materials, recycling and being considerate of how we travel are just some of the ways we can help. However, what changes are we making to our homes and where we choose to live? How will this affect the way in which we buy property? What can you do to make your home more appealing in an environmentally conscious world?


The global pandemic in 2020 saw us drastically change the way in which we work. Remote working is now very much the norm and actually encouraged within many businesses. Our inability to travel around saw us make adjustments to allow us to work from our homes and cut out the daily commute as well as the emissions that go along with it. With this in mind, the location that we choose to live is now more about where we want to live and less about where we need to live for work.

With busy traffic, a dense road network and high rise buildings, London is one of the most polluted places in the UK. Many people are choosing to flee the city to live a cleaner, healthier lifestyle in more suburban locations. With commuters still wanting easy access to the capital, locations like Kent and Surrey have become incredibly sought after and offer home buyers much more for their money!

Electric Cars 

Electric and hybrid cars are becoming more and more popular. Government incentives to trade in your old vehicles for more energy efficient, cleaner models mean many of us are now considering moving to electric.

Off road parking and, in particular, space to install a charging station is now high on many buyers ‘must have’ lists. Properties with electric charging stations already installed are one step ahead and will fetch a higher price than those that don’t.

Doors and Windows 

Replacing doors and windows is a costly job, it’s one of the top things a buyer will look out for. Modern, energy efficient, double (or even triple) glazed windows are a must have for any household now. Properties with good quality windows will not only save you money on your energy bills but be more appealing to home buyers who are looking for a long term, ‘future proof’ home.

If your windows could do with a makeover and you are looking to sell your home, consider replacing them before putting your home on the market. If you aren’t in a position to invest that sort of money, sourcing some quotes from local companies is good preparation and will be helpful for potential buyers when making a decision on your home.


There are so many heating and cooling methods now, some of them incredibly advanced! Most buyers will want to know how your home is heated and some will ask how much (on average) your energy bills are. If your boiler is an older model, it may be worth having a chat with your local plumber to discuss more energy efficient models.

When you are preparing your home for sale, digging out your gas and electric bills is good preparation. Providing potential buyers with an idea on how much your home costs to run will help them to make an informed decision. Homes that are environmentally friendly are typically cheaper to run and will often be more appealing to potential buyers.

Solar Panels

Many homes are now fitted with solar panels, something which is really important to some buyers. There are so many different options when it comes to solar panels; some are leased, some are owned outright etc. It’s really important that you find out as much as you can about your solar panels before putting your home on the market. Do they have a monthly/yearly cost? Who is responsible for them? Who do they provide energy for? These are all questions that your potential buyers will have, the more information you can gather in advance, the better! Also, take a look over the last year, figure out how much money the solar panels have saved you and how much energy they have created, these are all important selling points that your estate agent will need to discuss with potential buyers.

Homes with solar panels are increasingly popular with those looking to live a more sustainable lifestyle. If your home does not have solar panels and you are thinking about selling, consider looking into whether there are any restrictions for future owners installing them in the future.